Thursday, March 15, 2007


Leopold died of cancer in 2001

Prince Claus died in 2003 following many years of illness

Queen Beatrix abdicated in favour of her son, Willem-Alexander on April 30 2013 after 33 years on the  Dutch throne.

Peter still lives and works in San Francisco although not in holography anymore

Lange Voorhout ceased being a residence of the Queen in 1980 and is now used as a museum

The Company is no longer supposed to be trading but as it was always more a state of mind rather than a commercial entity, it might be better to describe it as dormant.

In 1995, after 20 years’ worth of adventures pioneering, producing, marketing and generally evangelizing holography, I closed the door and turned out the lights on my last holography business.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A heart-pounding story to read. Wonderful!